1 General Description/概述:
Specification Standards /规格标准:脂肪酸25%
Function /功效:抑制前列腺增生,**作用、收缩血管、增强肌肉、抗粘膜、**等作用。主要用于前列腺肥大症,**阳痿、性功能低下、肾病、膀胱炎、睾丸炎、**、食欲不振、鼻粘膜充血以及乳房增生。
2.Manufacturing Data /生产数据:
Botanical Name / 植物名:锯叶棕榈 Serenoa repens (bartram) small.
Part of plant used /使用部位:干燥果实.
Method of Manufacturing /生产方法:maceration reflux
Solvent for Extraction /提取溶剂:Ethanol / **
Auxilliary material / Excipient /辅料/ 赋型剂:环糊精
Ratio of Botanical to Native Extract /原材料与提取物比率:
3.Quality Data /质量数据:
Description/性状: 流动性淡**或白色粉末
Particle Size /粉末细度: 80 mesh
Loss on Drying /干燥失重:Not more than 5%
Heavy Metals /重金属<20ppm
4.Microbiological Inspection / 微生物:
Total Plate Count <1000cfu/g
Total Mold Count <100cfu/g
E. Coli Negative
** Mite Negative
宁波德康生物 王明谦
Ningbo Dekang Biochem Co., Ltd.
Mr. Alex Wang
Tel: +86-574-66105155,+86-13957891212
E-mail: info@herbstars.com