所有产品 加工包装机械 包装机械 Prasmatic 包装机

Prasmatic 包装机

Prasmatic 包装机
  • Prasmatic 包装机
  • 单价 面议
    最小起订量 暂未提供
    包装规格 暂未提供
    付款方式 暂未提供
    产地 暂未提供
    主要市场 北美洲,中/南美洲,西欧,东欧,大洋洲,亚洲,中东,非洲

    Prasmatic 包装机是 Aetna集团罗宝莫包装设备旗下一款主流的包装设备,应用于热收缩膜包装或纸箱裹包领域。设备的包装速度可达30/分钟 - 60/分钟,可快速进行产品转换,易于操作维护,具有极其紧凑的外形设计,很容易适应各种各样的布局要求,广泛应用于食品、乳品/冰激凌、家用护理产品和个人护理用品行业。除标准的膜包和裹包方式外,Prasmatic设备还可以满足客户多样化的包装需求,例如:

    1. 包装需要连续定向的盒子、金属罐或玻璃罐;

    2. 两层或多层产品的堆叠包装;

    3. 纸盒产品加垂直隔板的包装;

    4. 屋顶包纸盒加垂直三角形隔板的包装;

    5. U形盒包装(底部加托盘+顶部加纸垫);

    6. 鞋盒式的特殊包装;

    7. 产品层间插隔板的包装;

    8. 其它需要特殊设计的多包装形式。


    Prasmatic 包装机具备高可靠性、高质量和高卫生标准等特点

    The Prasmatic packer is one of the main product of Aetnagroup, which is applied for shrinkwrap packing or wrap-around packing, one machine could also combine both applications. Prasmatic packer has TCS (compact mode) and TC series for low speed, medium-and high-speed productions respectively for different products solution. Depending on machine model, type of packaging and product characteristics, the packaging speed is from 30 to 60 packages per minute. The main features of this series are: ergonomics, modularity, flexibility and extremely compact dimensions, allowing easy adaptation to the most diverse layout requirements. Besides the standard shrinkwrap packing and wrap-around packing, Prasmatic could also meet diverse packing requirements, such as :

    1.     Continuous orientation system for tins, cans and glass jars

    2.     Stacker for 2 or more horizontal layers of products

    3.     V-PAD (Vertical Pad) for bricks

    4.     T-PAD (Triangular Pad) for gable top bricks

    5.     U-COVER (tray on bottom + pad on top)

    6.     Special case like "shoe box"

    7.     Partition inserter device vertical interlayer between the products

    8.     Complete lines for multipacks with special design/configuration


    Prasmatic Packer is featured with high reliability, high quality and hygiene standards.


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